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New Zealand Captured Terms and Conditions

June 2024

1. Ownership

1.1 Ownership of all products sold by New Zealand Captured are retained by New Zealand Captured Limited until the Buyer has paid for the products and the applicable delivery charges, in full. This provision is designed to protect New Zealand Captured Limited in the event of bankruptcy, receivership, or the liquidation of the Buyer, a seizure of goods by a creditor of the Buyer, or a default in payment.


2. Copyright Notice

2.1 Copyright 2024 New Zealand Captured Limited, All rights reversed.

2.2 Subject to the express provisions of this notice:

(a) New Zealand Captured Limited, together with our licensors, own and control all copyright and other intellectual property rights in our website and the material on our website; and

(b) all the copyright and other intellectual property rights on our website and the material on our website are reserved.

2.3 Our website is protected by national and international laws, as are all materials on our website. The copying, publication, distribution, renting, lending, displaying, or adapting of our website or any material on our website is strictly prohibited unless we have authorised in writing and subject always to the mandatory requirements of applicable law.


3. Copyright Licence

3.1 You may:

(a) view pages from our website in a web browser;

(b) download pages from our website for caching in a web browser;

(c) print pages from our website; subject to the other provisions of this notice.

3.2 Except as expressly permitted by the other provisions of this notice, you must not download any material from our website or save any such material to your computer.

3.3 Except as expressly permitted by this notice, you must not edit or otherwise modify any material on our website.

3.4 Unless you own or control the relevant rights in the material, you must not:

(a) republish material from our website (including republication on another website);

(b) sell, rent or sub-license material from our website;

(c) exploit material from our website for a commercial purpose; or

(e) redistribute material from our website, save to the extent expressly permitted by this notice.


4. Acceptable Use

4.1 You must not:

(a) use our website in any way or take any action that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment  of the performance, availability, accessibility, integrity or security of the website;

(b) use our website in any way that is unlawful, illegal, fraudulent or harmful, or in connection with any unlawful,      illegal, fraudulent or harmful purpose or activity;

(c) use our website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish or distribute any material that consists of (or is linked to) any spyware, computer virus, Trojan horse, worm, keystroke logger, rootkit, or other malicious computer software; or

(d) conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities (including without limitation scraping, data mining, data extraction, and data harvesting) on or in relation to our website without our express written consent.

(e) Do anything that interferes with the normal use of our website.

(f) You must not use data from our website to contact individuals, companies or other persons or entities.


5. Report Abuse

5.1 If you learn of any unlawful material or activity on our website or any material or activity that breaches this notice, please let us know.

5.2 You can let us know about any such material or activity by contacting us through our contact details published on our website.


6. Enforcement of Copyright

6.1 We take the protection of our copyright very seriously and will legally pursue copyright infringements.

6.2 If we discover that you have used our copyright materials in contravention of the license set out in this notice, we may bring legal proceedings against you, seeking monetary damages and/or an injunction to stop you from using those materials. You could also be ordered to pay legal costs.


7. Permissions

7.1 You may request permission to use the copyright materials on our website through our contact details published on the website. You must receive written confirmation to have permission to use the materials.


8. (a) Delivery

Once New Zealand Captured has confirmed acceptance of the Buyer’s order, New Zealand Captured Limited will endeavor to dispatch the Buyer’s order within 10 business days unless a different time frame is specified in relation to a particular product. If New Zealand Captured is unable to dispatch the Buyer’s order within the time frame specified New Zealand Captured will endeavor to contact the Buyer and advise the Buyer of the expected dispatch date.

Any quotation of delivery times by New Zealand Captured are made in good faith but are estimates and New Zealand Captured shall not be bound by such quotation. New Zealand Captured Limited will not be liable for any loss, expense, or other damage caused by delivery.

The Buyer may specify delivery instructions for an order (for example, the Buyer may authorise the delivery agent to leave the products in a specified location if the Buyer will not be at the delivery address). New Zealand Captured will not be responsible for any order that is delivered in accordance with the Buyers delivery instructions. The Buyer may request that their parcel be left without a signature or may choose to sign for the parcel without checking for damage. If the Buyer chooses to do this, they are waiving any liability of New Zealand Captured or the courier and the Buyer takes full responsibility for the condition in which the parcel is received.


8. (b) Damages or Loss in Transit

Goods leaving New Zealand Captured premises are adequately packed. Claims for damage or loss in transit must be made against the carrier.


8. (c) Risk

Once the Buyer’s order has been delivered to the Buyer (or has otherwise been delivered in accordance with the Buyer’s delivery instructions), the Buyer assumes full responsibility for and risk in the products.


9. Variation

9.1 We may alter these terms and conditions without notice. 

9.2 The revised disclaimer shall apply to the use of our website from the time of publication of the revised disclaimer on the website.


10. Law and Jurisdiction

10.1 This disclaimer shall be governed by and construed in accordance with New Zealand Law.

10.2 Any disputes relating to this disclaimer shall be subject to the exclusive non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.


11. Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law:

11.1 All warranties, representations, and guarantees (whether express, implied or statutory) are excluded, including without limit, suitability, fitness for purpose, accuracy or completeness of this Website or the content on or accessed through it; and

11.2 New Zealand Captured Limited will not be liable for any damage, loss or expenses, or indirect losses or consequential damages of any kind, suffered or incurred by you in connection with your access to or use of this Website or the content on or accessed through it.


12. Our Details

12.1 This website is owned and operated by Logan Schokking, Director of New Zealand Captured Limited.

12.2 New Zealand Captured Limited's New Zealand Business Number is: 9429052187810 and GST: 143-166-074

12.3 You can contact Logan through:

(a) Using our website contact form.

(b) By email,


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